A well-known ski resort in Finland with the largest and most diverse ski slopes in the Central Region of Finland. Offer 21 different levels of slopes and 15 lifts for beginners and professionals.
See more info about ticket and opening hours.
Himos artificial snow skiing track goes from Himoslaakso valley towards Northern Himos. The total length of the track is 1,7 km one way and 3,4 km in total. The lighted track is is 8-10 m wide. At first, a shorter track is made with stored snow and the track will be longer as soon as the temperature allows more snow to be made.
From Himosranta area the skiing tracks are connected to the skiing tracks of Jämsä. From Himosranta you can also ski towards the slopes through skiing tracks in Patalahti lake. It is possible to ski to Northern or Western slopes of Himos or all the way up to North Himos to a challenging 5 km long skiing track. Skiing tracks in the Golf course are connect to tracks leading to Jämsä center.
Near the Western slopes, around lake Kuikka goes a skiing track of cannon-made snow. The track will be open during the whole winter season.
In addition, children have their own Troll forest skiing track, which are nearby children’s slopes, sled hill and playground. Himos Troll forest skiing track is easy, even and about 300 m long.
You can rent cross-country ski equipment from the slope company.
HimosHoliday | +358 20 711 9230 | himosholiday(at)himosholiday.com